I was born into teaching (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, errbody in my family teaches!), and I’ve been teaching music and writing since I was 11 years old.

Over the years, I’ve also started preaching and leading church services too; I see preaching and teaching as the same kind of ministry.

I’d be happy to bring my ideas to you! Here’s some of my past work:

Fairy tale musicals, written by me, using motifs written by students at Grant Ave Elementary in the Bronx:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Little Red Riding Hood


The Billy Goats Gruff


Performed by me; the kids’ marvelous teacher and leader Kate Phillips; and the incredible Amir Farid on keyboard.

So far, I’ve preached and curated services at FRS Carlisle, North Parish, UU Haverhill, and Christ Church Portola Valley,

Here’s a recent service I led at North Parish in North Andover, MA, February 2024;


This page is in progress. More to come soon…

Classroom Cantatas? Met Opera Guild, MVNY, Phillips, Harlem Tag Scholars